Comprehensiveness of digital privacy laws

Question: Do you think current digital privacy laws in your region [of expertise] cover more areas than needed, fewer areas than needed, or all areas needed?

Enforcement of digital privacy practices

Question: Are the digital privacy practices required by your region's [of expertise] law enforced?

Stakeholder ratings of organizations’ privacy protection performance

Question: How would you rate the performance of these firms/agencies in protecting people's privacy?
Answer options: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor

Most important approach in protecting people‘s digital privacy

Adapting privacy laws to technological developments

Question: How would you rank the importance of the following approaches to protecting people’s digital privacy?
Ranked as most important: Adapting privacy laws to technological developments

Most important approach in protecting people‘s digital privacy

Giving individuals control over their data

Question: How would you rank the importance of the following approaches to protecting people’s digital privacy?
Ranked as most important: Giving individuals control over their data

Balance of interest in digital privacy laws

Question: Do you think digital privacy laws and regulations in your region [of expertise] more strongly favor the rights and needs of businesses or of individual users?

Influence of laws on development of privacy-preserving practices and technologies

Question: Do you think digital privacy laws and regulations in your region [of expertise] encourage or discourage innovation and development of privacy-preserving practices and technologies in organizations?

Current and future outlook of digital privacy laws in Europe

Current and future outlook of digital privacy laws in the US

Current and future outlook of organizational digital privacy practices in Europe

Current and future outlook of organizational digital privacy practices in the US

Policymaking approaches in digital privacy protection

Impact of the EU AI Act on AI innovation

Question: In your opinion, will the EU AI Act be more likely to enable or hinder AI innovation?

Ranking approaches to protecting digital privacy

Question: How would you rank the importance of the following approaches to protecting people’s digital privacy?

Use of AI tools and systems for work

Question: Do you use AI tools or systems in your work?
Answer options: Yes, No, Don't know

Privacy concerns for the use of AI tools or systems in their work

Question: How much do privacy concerns affect your use of AI tools or systems in your work?
Answer options: A great deal, Somewhat, Not at all

Organizational adoption of AI frameworks and guidelines

Question: Does your organization have a framework or guidelines in place for using AI in the workplace?
Answer options: Yes, No, Don't know

AI frameworks and guidelines used by organizations

Question: Which frameworks and guidelines does your organization have for AI use? (e.g., OECD, IEEE, internal proprietary)

Intentions for organizational adoption of AI frameworks and guidelines

Question: Does your organization plan to implement a framework or guidelines for future AI use?
Answer options: Yes, No, Don't know

Stakeholder involvement in organizational AI framework and guidelines development

Question: Are you/ will you be involved in drafting the framework or guidelines?

Organizational compliance with AI framework and guidelines

Question: How does /will your organization ensure that everyone complies with the framework or guidelines?
Answer options: Yes, No, Don't know

Confidence in managing AI privacy challenges

Question: Do you feel confident that you/ your organization will be able to address privacy challenges that may arise when using AI tools or systems in your work?

Intentions for managing AI privacy challenges

Question: How do you/ does your organization plan to address such challenges?

Familiarity with 'Responsible AI' Principles

Question: Are you familiar with “Responsible AI” principles?
Answer options: A great deal, Somewhat, Not at all

Generative AI’s influence on stakeholder views of privacy policy

Majority of stakeholders anticipate change

Question: Has the rise of generative AI changed the way you think about privacy policy?
Answer options: Yes, No

Expected shifts in digital privacy landscape due to generative AI

Question: Has the rise of generative AI changed the way you think about privacy policy? Yes, how so?

Consumer privacy law requirements

Consumer privacy law enforcement mechanisms (USA)

Question: How important is it for a national consumer privacy law to include the following enforcement mechanisms?

Offline privacy advocacy activities

Question: Have you ever engaged in any of the following activities?

Online privacy advocacy activities

Question: On any social media, have you ever engaged in any of the following activities?

Ranking approaches to protecting digital privacy

Question: How would you rank the importance of the following approaches to protecting people’s digital privacy?

Stakeholder ratings of digital privacy law specifications

Question: How would you rate the specifications of the requirements in current digital privacy laws in your region [of expertise]?
Answer options: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor

Ranking approaches to protecting digital privacy

Question: How would you rank the importance of the following approaches to protecting people’s digital privacy?

Current and future outlook of digital privacy laws

Europeans more satisfied with current laws, but Americans more optimistic for future